A fundraising team from Zurich insurance

A huge thank you to all our supporters who generously contribute to our fundraising efforts and organise their own events on our behalf.

A supporter of Lawrence Nurses running to raise money for the charity

We are immensely grateful for your continued support.

If you’re interested in organising your own event or participating in a sponsored, walk, run, or any other activity, please contact us.

We’d love to support your fundraising efforts.

Supporters of Lawrence Nurses who run to raise money for the charity
Michael Palin with one of Lawrence Nurses sponsors Wheelers
Michael Palin with one of Lawrence Nurses sponsors Savills
Michael Palin with one of Lawrence Nurses sponsors Wise Investments

A recent event: Sir Michael Palin being interviewed by Lawrence Nurses Patron Graham Garden. Here are Michael and Graeme with sponsors of the event: Wheelers, Savills and Wise Investments.

Fundraising Promotional packages

Feel free to download our free poster templates for your fundraising projects: links below.

Need any help creating your marketing and promotional material? We can help!

Lawrence Home Nursing’s own graphic department can offer you a Promotion Package for your LHNT fundraising event.

The package includes:

  • One poster A3, A4 or A5 for home or professional printing (you decide)
  • A news post on our website with links to anything you choose (related to your fundraising event only)
  • Adverts for Facebook (1080 x 1080 pixels) and Instagram (1200 x 628)

All for a donation to Lawrence Home Nursing Team of £30

Note: You will need to supply us with high resolution versions of any images (for which you must have permission to use) plus any logos etc. Plus your copy in a format which can be cut and pasted (i.e. NOT an image).

If you are interested in this service contact our Head of Fundraising Verity Fifer by email here.

Fundraising post templates

Download our poster templates for your fundraising projects. They come in two sizes: A3 and A4.

If you intend to print them at home on your deskjet printer download the home print version. If you intend to get them printed professionally (Instantprint, Vistaprint or your local printers) then download the  Pro Print version which has print marks and is CMYK. If you need anything in particular – let us know and we shall be happy to help.

A3 Poster

Home printing

A4 Poster

Home printing

A3 Poster

Professional printing

A4 Poster

Professional printing