Lawrence Nurses have cared for 1327 patients to date in the Chipping Norton area, a team of 18 registered nurses provide palliative care free of charge.

Local GP Dr. Martin Lawrence’s dying wish was that patients in his practice should be able to die at home; his wish was made a reality through the work of District Nurse Jane Phillips MBE. The charity was founded in 1999 and celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. The service has grown and now provides hospice at home care covering 5 GP surgeries in Oxfordshire and is funded primarily through the generous donations of those in the catchment area. It is a local success story illustrating the determination of members of the community.

“It is important for so many people suffering from terminal illness to spend their last days in the familiar setting of their own homes, surrounded by friends and family and supported by professional care and pain management. The Lawrence Nurses have been providing this service for 25 years, and it is an honour to be associated with them.”

Graeme Garden OBE, Honorary President.

Graeme Garden MBE
Meet the Nurses
Management Team
Meet the Directors